۵۰۴ لغت ضروری


۵۰۴ Essential Words

 ۵۰۴ لغت ضروری زبان انگلیسی نام کتابی است که ۵۰۴ لغت انگلیسی که در متن‌های آزمون‌های بین‌المللی (آیلتس ، تافل) بیشتر با آن‌ها روبرو می‌شوید را در خود گنجانده است.

سعی کنید این لغات را در مکالمات و نوشتار خود بکار ببرید ، و در بخاطر داشته باشید این بهترین راه برای فعال سازی لغات می باشد.

این بخش را فقط جهت دسترسی شما به این لغات تهیه نموده ایم.

این کتاب شامل ۴۲ درس می باشد :

درس سی و هفتم :

Abide: accept and follow out; remain faithful to; dwell; endure; stay; accept or act in accordance with (a rule or decision)
Arsonist: the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property; one who intentionally lights fires
Courteous: polite, respectful, and considerate; civil; gentlemanly; characterized by courtesy and gracious good manners
Deliberate: consider carefully; intended; done on purpose; slow and careful, as though allowing time to decide what to do
Demonstrate: clearly show the existence or truth of; exhibit, present; display emotion
Drought: long period of dry weather; lack of rain; lack of water; dryness
Dwindle: become smaller and smaller; shrink; diminish gradually; fade
Grumble: complain in a bad-tempered way; rumble; a complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone
Heed: give careful attention to; take notice of; careful attention; consideration; thought
Heir: person who has a right to someone’s property after that one dies; person who inherits anything; successor; beneficiary
Howl: cry out (in pain, anger, protest, etc.); a long doleful cry uttered by an animal such as a dog; yowl
Majestic: grand; noble; dignified; kingly; having or showing impressive beauty, scale, or dignity; royal
March: trek; journey; walk in coordinated steps like soldiers; the third month of the year
Noble: belonging by rank, title, or birth to the aristocracy; having fine personal qualities or high moral principles
Raft: a floating mass of fallen trees; primitive boat made from buoyant material fastened together to make a platform
Ranger: a keeper of a park, forest, or area of countryside; a member of a body of armed men; scout
Recruit: enlist (someone) in the armed forces; new member of a group
Regiment: a permanent unit of an army, typically divided into several smaller units and often into two battalions
Rip: tear or pull forcibly away from something or someone; move forcefully and rapidly
Stump: the part of a tree trunk left projecting from the ground after the rest has fallen; (Slang) short fat person
Summit: highest point; top; the highest attainable level of achievement; peak; greatest success
Summon: authoritatively call on (someone) to be present, especially to appear in a law court
Surplus: amount over and above what is needed; excess; extra
Throne: a ceremonial chair for a sovereign, bishop, or similar figure; chair of God; chair of a king or queen; toilet (Slang)
Thump: hit heavily, especially with the fist or a blunt implement; put down forcefully, noisily, or decisively
Traitor: person who betrays his or her country, a friend, duty, etc.; betrayer; a person who says one thing and does another
Unify: unite; make or form into one; make or become united or uniform; join
Vandal: person who willfully or ignorantly destroys or damages beautiful things
Wear on: progress; continue; bother; annoy; tire out
Zounds: damn!; to heck with it!; expressing surprise or indignation

در صورت تمایل برای تمرین بیشتر و انجام آزمون های دیگر اینجا کلیک کنید:

درس یک

درس دوم

درس سوم

درس چهارم

درس پنجم

درس ششم

درس هفتم

درس هشتم

درس نهم

درس دهم

درس یازدم

درس دوازدهم

درس سیزدهم

درس چهاردهم

درس پانزدهم

درس شانزدهم

درس هفدهم

درس هجدهم

درس نوزدهم

درس بیستم

درس بیست و یکم

درس بیست و دوم

درس بیست و سوم

درس بیست و چهارم

درس بیست و پنجم

درس بیست و ششم

درس بیست و هفتم

درس بیست و هشتم

درس بیست و نهم

درس سی

درس سی و یکم

درس سی و دوم

درس سی و سوم

درس سی و چهارم

درس سی و پنجم

درس سی و ششم

درس سی و هفتم

درس سی و هشتم

درس سی و نهم

درس چهل

درس چهل و یکم

درس چهل و دوم

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