۵۰۴ لغت ضروری



۵۰۴ Essential Words

 ۵۰۴ لغت ضروری زبان انگلیسی نام کتابی است که ۵۰۴ لغت انگلیسی که در متن‌های آزمون‌های بین‌المللی (آیلتس ، تافل) بیشتر با آن‌ها روبرو می‌شوید را در خود گنجانده است.

سعی کنید این لغات را در مکالمات و نوشتار خود بکار ببرید ، و در بخاطر داشته باشید این بهترین راه برای فعال سازی لغات می باشد.

این بخش را فقط جهت دسترسی شما به این لغات تهیه نموده ایم.

این کتاب شامل ۴۲ درس می باشد :

درس دوازدهم :



Abolish: formally put an end to (a practice or institution); cancel; revoke
Adequate: as much as is needed; fully sufficient; enough; suitable; satisfactory or acceptable
Aerial: living in the air; far above the ground; airy; a structure that transmits or receives radio or television signals
Aqueous: of or relating to water; watery; resembling or containing water
Audible: able to be heard; heard or perceptible by the ear
Blaze: a very large or fiercely burning fire; a very bright light or display of colour; ignite; shine
Comet: a relatively small extraterrestrial body consisting of a frozen mass that travels around the sun in a highly elliptical orbit
Death penalty: punishment of death for a criminal offense; the action or fact of dying or being killed
Decrease: make or become smaller or fewer in size, amount, intensity, or degree; reduce; lessen; decline
Drill: tool or machine with a rotating or reciprocating cutting tip, used for boring holes; practice; train
Flood: an overflow of a large amount of water over dry land; great stream of water; overflow
Frank: free in expressing one’s real thoughts, opinions, or feelings; not hiding what is in one’s mind; candid and honest
Halo: a circle of light round the sun or moon caused by refraction through ice crystals in the atmosphere
Igneous: formed by great heat (Geology); fiery; of or pertaining to fire
Ignite: set on fire; start to burn; catch fire or cause to catch fire; cause to start burning
Luminous: emitting light; glowing; bright; understandable; bright or shining, especially in the dark
Medieval: of or pertaining to the Middle Ages; like the Middle Ages
Meteors: a small body of matter from outer space that becomes incandescent as a result of friction with the earth’s atmosphere
Pollute: make dirty; contaminate (water, the air, etc.) with harmful or poisonous substances; make impure; ruin
Population: people of a city or country; total number of people living in an area; all the inhabitants of a particular place
Prohibit: forbid by law or authority; command against; outlaw; prevent
Reveal: make known; show; exhibit; display; expose; make public; cause or allow to be seen
Boy Scout: member of the Boy Scouts (boys’ club that stresses outdoor life and service to others); momma’s boy; male child
Sergeant: noncommissioned military officer ranked above a airman first class; a police officer ranking below an inspector
Sought: past and past participle ofseek; go in search of; search for; request; attempt to find
Treasurer: one in charge of the funds of an organization, one in charge of a treasury; financial officer; money handler
Urban: of or having to do with cities or towns; pertaining to or characteristic of a city; living in a city
Urgent: demanding immediate action or attention; important; pressing; immediate
Whisper: speak very softly using one’s breath rather than one’s throat; speaking softly without vibration of the vocal cords
Wound: an injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or other impact; injure; offend

در صورت تمایل برای تمرین بیشتر و انجام آزمون های دیگر اینجا کلیک کنید:

درس یک

درس دوم

درس سوم

درس چهارم

درس پنجم

درس ششم

درس هفتم

درس هشتم

درس نهم

درس دهم

درس یازدم

درس دوازدهم

درس سیزدهم

درس چهاردهم

درس پانزدهم

درس شانزدهم

درس هفدهم

درس هجدهم

درس نوزدهم

درس بیستم

درس بیست و یکم

درس بیست و دوم

درس بیست و سوم

درس بیست و چهارم

درس بیست و پنجم

درس بیست و ششم

درس بیست و هفتم

درس بیست و هشتم

درس بیست و نهم

درس سی

درس سی و یکم

درس سی و دوم

درس سی و سوم

درس سی و چهارم

درس سی و پنجم

درس سی و ششم

درس سی و هفتم

درس سی و هشتم

درس سی و نهم

درس چهل

درس چهل و یکم

درس چهل و دوم

درباره نویسنده