۵۰۴ لغت ضروری



۵۰۴ Essential Words

 ۵۰۴ لغت ضروری زبان انگلیسی نام کتابی است که ۵۰۴ لغت انگلیسی که در متن‌های آزمون‌های بین‌المللی (آیلتس ، تافل) بیشتر با آن‌ها روبرو می‌شوید را در خود گنجانده است.

سعی کنید این لغات را در مکالمات و نوشتار خود بکار ببرید ، و در بخاطر داشته باشید این بهترین راه برای فعال سازی لغات می باشد.

این بخش را فقط جهت دسترسی شما به این لغات تهیه نموده ایم.

این کتاب شامل ۴۲ درس می باشد :

درس هجدهم :




Ballet: style of dance performed by a group of dancers; a theatrical representation of a story performed to music by dancers
Brilliant: (of light or colour) very bright or vivid; outstanding; splendid; shining; clever; very intelligent; marvellous
Budget: estimate of the amount of money that can be spent; financial plan; an estimate of income and expenditure
Complimentary: expressing praise or admiration; given or supplied free of charge; costing nothing
Economical: not wasting money or time; giving good value or return in relation to the resources or money expended
Essay: a piece of writing on a particular subject; an attempt or effort; endeavor; composition; article
Fame: the state of being famous; favorable public reputation
Foam: produce or form a light frothy mass of bubbles; a lightweight form of rubber or plastic made by solidifying foam
Glance: to look at quickly; a quick look; shine; gleam; take a brief or hurried look; bounce off; strike at an angle
Horrid: terrible; frightful; causing horror; horrible; repulsive; dreadful; awful; very unpleasant; rough
Ingenious: having great mental ability; clever, original, and inventive; produced in an imaginative or original manner
Leap: jump or spring a long way; move quickly and suddenly; (of a price or figure) increase dramatically; jump
Lubricate: make (machinary) smooth and easy to work by putting on oil, grease, or a similar substance; cause to be slippery
Manipulate: handle or treat skillfully; handle or operate with the hands; ; act of adapting or changing to suit one’s purpose
Nimble: active and sure footed; quick and light in movement or action; light and quick; sharp, keen
Pat: touch quickly and gently with the flat of the hand; tap; slap gently; male first name (short form of Patrick)
Pedant: a person who is excessively concerned with minor detail or with displaying technical knowledge
Pedestrian: person who goes on foot; walker; a person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle; traveler; dull; uninspired
Puppet: a movable model of a person or animal, typically moved either by strings or by a hand inside it, used to entertain
Rave: talk wildly or incoherently; speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm or admiration
Reckless: careless; heedless; wild; without thought or care for the consequences of an action
Referee: an official who watches a game or match closely to ensure that the rules are adhered to; critic
Relieve: alleviate or remove(pain, distress, or difficulty); cause (someone) to stop feeling distressed or anxious; release; ease
Struck: past and past participle ofstrike; hit; attack; injure by biting; produce a spark; make; deliver a blow to
Sum: a particular amount of money; amount that is determined by adding two or more numbers; entire quantity; summary
Sure footed: unlikely to stumble or slip; confident and competent
Tragedy: a very sad or terrible happening; a sad play; disaster; an event causing great suffering

در صورت تمایل برای تمرین بیشتر و انجام آزمون های دیگر اینجا کلیک کنید:

درس یک

درس دوم

درس سوم

درس چهارم

درس پنجم

درس ششم

درس هفتم

درس هشتم

درس نهم

درس دهم

درس یازدم

درس دوازدهم

درس سیزدهم

درس چهاردهم

درس پانزدهم

درس شانزدهم

درس هفدهم

درس هجدهم

درس نوزدهم

درس بیستم

درس بیست و یکم

درس بیست و دوم

درس بیست و سوم

درس بیست و چهارم

درس بیست و پنجم

درس بیست و ششم

درس بیست و هفتم

درس بیست و هشتم

درس بیست و نهم

درس سی

درس سی و یکم

درس سی و دوم

درس سی و سوم

درس سی و چهارم

درس سی و پنجم

درس سی و ششم

درس سی و هفتم

درس سی و هشتم

درس سی و نهم

درس چهل

درس چهل و یکم

درس چهل و دوم

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