۵۰۴ لغت ضروری


۵۰۴ Essential Words

 ۵۰۴ لغت ضروری زبان انگلیسی نام کتابی است که ۵۰۴ لغت انگلیسی که در متن‌های آزمون‌های بین‌المللی (آیلتس ، تافل) بیشتر با آن‌ها روبرو می‌شوید را در خود گنجانده است.

سعی کنید این لغات را در مکالمات و نوشتار خود بکار ببرید ، و در بخاطر داشته باشید این بهترین راه برای فعال سازی لغات می باشد.

این بخش را فقط جهت دسترسی شما به این لغات تهیه نموده ایم.

این کتاب شامل ۴۲ درس می باشد :

درس سی و سوم :

Abuse: make bad use of; use wrongly; treat badly; scold very severely; bad or wrong use; bad treatment
Chimney: a vertical pipe which conducts smoke and gases up from a fire or furnace
Chuckle: laugh quietly; giggle; a soft partly suppressed laugh
Cricket: leaping insect which is related to the grasshopper; outdoor sport played with ball and bat (popular in England)
Draft: a preliminary version of a piece of writing; US compulsory recruitment for military service; make an outline
Fury: extreme anger; extreme strength or violence in an action or a natural phenomenon; wildness; madness; violence
Hinder: hold back; make hard to do; make it difficult for (someone) to do something or for (something) to happen
Indistinctly: not clear or sharply defined; unclearly; indistinguishably
Jolly: merry; full of fun; happy and cheerful; raise someone’s spirits; joke; jest; encourage in a friendly way
Kibitzer: one who gives unasked for advice; look on and offer unwelcome advice, especially at a card game; one who chats
Lecture: speech or planned talk; a scolding; to scold; an educational talk to an audience, especially in a university
Merry: happy; glad; joyful; cheerful and lively; slightly drunk
Mumble: speak indistinctly; speak in a low voice; bite or chew with toothless gums
Mute: silent; unable to speak; (of a person) refraining from speech or temporarily speechless; noiseless
Orphanage: a residential institution for the care of orphans; the condition of being a child without living parents
Pirate: a person who attacks and robs ships at sea; steal copyrighted or patented materials; illegally use computer software
Prejudice: an opinion formed without taking time and care to judge fairly; to harm or injure
Privilege: a special right, advantage, or immunity for a particular person; benefits given only to people of a particular group
Resign: voluntarily leave a job or position of office; give up; accept as inevitable
Retain: keep; remember; employ by peyment of a fee; continue to have; keep possession of; hold fixed
Scold: one who frequently reprimands others with abusive language; a woman who nags or grumbles constantly
Shrill: having a high pitch; high and sharp in sound; piercing; shriek; scream
Twinkle: (of a star or light) shine with a gleam that changes constantly from bright to faint; sparkle; flicker
Volunteer: person who enters any service of his or her own free will; to offer one’s services
Wad: small, soft mass; to roll or crush into a small mass; (Slang) large amount (as of money, friends, etc.)
Witty: cleverly amusing; showing or characterized by quick and inventive humour; funny; clever; sharp
Yiddish: a language used by Jews in central and eastern Europe with words from Hebrew and several modern languages

در صورت تمایل برای تمرین بیشتر و انجام آزمون های دیگر اینجا کلیک کنید:

درس یک

درس دوم

درس سوم

درس چهارم

درس پنجم

درس ششم

درس هفتم

درس هشتم

درس نهم

درس دهم

درس یازدم

درس دوازدهم

درس سیزدهم

درس چهاردهم

درس پانزدهم

درس شانزدهم

درس هفدهم

درس هجدهم

درس نوزدهم

درس بیستم

درس بیست و یکم

درس بیست و دوم

درس بیست و سوم

درس بیست و چهارم

درس بیست و پنجم

درس بیست و ششم

درس بیست و هفتم

درس بیست و هشتم

درس بیست و نهم

درس سی

درس سی و یکم

درس سی و دوم

درس سی و سوم

درس سی و چهارم

درس سی و پنجم

درس سی و ششم

درس سی و هفتم

درس سی و هشتم

درس سی و نهم

درس چهل

درس چهل و یکم

درس چهل و دوم

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