۵۰۴ لغت ضروری


۵۰۴ Essential Words

 ۵۰۴ لغت ضروری زبان انگلیسی نام کتابی است که ۵۰۴ لغت انگلیسی که در متن‌های آزمون‌های بین‌المللی (آیلتس ، تافل) بیشتر با آن‌ها روبرو می‌شوید را در خود گنجانده است.

سعی کنید این لغات را در مکالمات و نوشتار خود بکار ببرید ، و در بخاطر داشته باشید این بهترین راه برای فعال سازی لغات می باشد.

این بخش را فقط جهت دسترسی شما به این لغات تهیه نموده ایم.

این کتاب شامل ۴۲ درس می باشد :

درس ششم :

Accuse: one who has been charged with a crime; one who has been blamed
Affair: a vaguely specified concern; a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship; matter; deal, concern
Appliance: a device that is very useful for a particular job; tool, gadget; device; apparatus
Approach: come near or nearer to in distance, time, or standard; appeal to; turn to
Basement: cellar, story of a building which is underground; a room or floor which is partly or entirely below ground level
Bracelet: piece of jewelry worn around the wrist; an ornamental band or chain worn on the wrist or arm
Brake: devices which allow one to slow or stop a vehicle
Chill: coldness due to a cold environment; depress or discourage; cool; cold
Client: a person who seeks the advice of a lawyer; customer; buyer
Comprehensive: including much; covering completely; including all or everything; having a thorough understanding of a subject
Convict: prove someone guilty of a crime; convince someone of error or wrongdoing; prisoner
County: a region created by territorial division for the purpose of local government; district, division of land
Deceive: make someone believe as true something that is false; mislead; be dishonest with; cheat
Defect: fault; that which is wrong; imperfection; deficiency; weakness; limitation
Defraud: take money, rights and etc. by cheating; cheat; rob; deceive
Deprive: take away possessions from someone; keep from having, keeping, or obtaining; prevent from having, deny
Detect: find out; discern; discover
Dull: boring; not sharp; gloomy; stupid; not intelligent; not shiny; deaden; lacking interest or excitement
Employee: a person who works for pay; a worker who is hired to perform a job
Expel: force to leave or move out; exile, eject; drive out; banish; remove from a position or office
Jail: prison, location where convicted criminals and people awaiting trial are confined
Livelihood: the financial means whereby one lives; means of supporting oneself; maintenance; sustenance; occupation
Mayor: elected official acting as executive head of a town or city; the head of a city government
Neglect: give too little care or attention to; disregard; be negligent; forget to perform (a duty; fail to care for, abandon
Pilgrim: Christian who has traveled to a sacred place; one who makes a journey for religious reasons
Poll: an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people; get the opinion; receive votes
Popular: liked by most people; of the general population; well-liked; admired; approved; accepted; common
Praise: an expression of approval and commendation; express admiration; express approval of
Sarcasm: witty language used to convey insults or scorn; satire; irony
Spine: spinal column of a vertebrate; backbone; a series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back
Steering: act of causing a vehicle to move in a particular direction; the act of guiding or showing the way; drive
Superstition: belief that is not based on fact; an irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear
Thorough: being all that is needed; comprehensive; complete; finished
Undoubtedly: certainly; unquestionably; beyond doubt

در صورت تمایل برای تمرین بیشتر و انجام آزمون های دیگر اینجا کلیک کنید:

درس یک

درس دوم

درس سوم

درس چهارم

درس پنجم

درس ششم

درس هفتم

درس هشتم

درس نهم

درس دهم

درس یازدم

درس دوازدهم

درس سیزدهم

درس چهاردهم

درس پانزدهم

درس شانزدهم

درس هفدهم

درس هجدهم

درس نوزدهم

درس بیستم

درس بیست و یکم

درس بیست و دوم

درس بیست و سوم

درس بیست و چهارم

درس بیست و پنجم

درس بیست و ششم

درس بیست و هفتم

درس بیست و هشتم

درس بیست و نهم

درس سی

درس سی و یکم

درس سی و دوم

درس سی و سوم

درس سی و چهارم

درس سی و پنجم

درس سی و ششم

درس سی و هفتم

درس سی و هشتم

درس سی و نهم

درس چهل

درس چهل و یکم

درس چهل و دوم

درباره نویسنده