Vocabulary for IELTS

Vocabulary for IELTS

Being able to use a rich vocabulary is a major advantage in the IELTS and will certainly help you get a higher score. It will also be beneficial in your academic, personal and professional life. For example, if you wish to pursue higher education at university, research has shown that you may need up to 10,000 words.

There are a number of ways in which you can improve your vocabulary. Whichever method you adopt, you’ll want to create a vocabulary notebook in which you write down new words and sample sentences.


Your strategy may be direct or indirect. The choice depends on your current vocabulary level. If you need major improvement, you should set up a study schedule which includes a specific time in which you work on learning new words and expressions. You could select one of the many excellent vocabulary enrichment books available today, or one specifically designed for the IELTS, which covers a number of different subject areas. You could work for as little as 10 minutes a day to as much as one hour a day. No matter how much you do, working steadily and daily will produce impressive results.

The second way is to adopt indirect strategies to enrich your vocabulary. This includes reading newspapers, magazines, textbooks, brochures, and fiction or non-fiction books. It includes watching and listening to news broadcasts, interviews, songs, documentaries, movies, audio books, and discussions. Not only should you write down the new words and their meanings, but also use the new words in your own written or oral sentences.


With such a wide selection of vocabulary improvement materials available, you can select the system you feel most comfortable with and enjoy the most. Identify the best vocabulary books for your needs at the local library, though friends, teachers, or online. If you have an auditory learning style, choose tapes and CDs. It takes time to build up your vocabulary so find a program which appeals to you and you’ll stick with..

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 1 : Contrast & comparisonpage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 2 : Objects and Verbspage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 3 : City Lifepage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 4 : Issues of Educationpage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 5 : Fashion in Clothespage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 6 : The Environmentpage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 7 : Advertising page…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 8 : Raising Children page…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 9 : Censorship page…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 10 : Love page…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 11 : Work and Leisurepage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 12 : State Punishmentpage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 13 : Dirt and Damagepage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 14 : Alcoholic Drinkspage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 15 : Drivingpage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 16 : Ways of Eatingpage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 17 : Lightpage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 18 : Numberspage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 19 : Peoplepage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 20 : Small Quantitiespage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 21 : Social Typespage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 22 : Soundspage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 23 : Space Travelpage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 24 : Timepage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 25 : Names and Titlespage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 26 : Word Formationpage…

Click to move toI E L T S™ Vocabulary 27 : Difficult Verb Pairspage…

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